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About us

Want more HD porn, hardcore scenes, hot young pornstars and horny mature sluts?

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Like many non-profit projects, we do not want to finance our infrastructure via advertising, which is at most a time intrusive, aggressive and misleading. Servers, bandwidth, development, maintenance and others are expenses that we are unable to sustain without your help and donations.

What does that mean?

Support through participation means that we trust our visitors’ abilities as creators, moderators, and developers of our content. In doing this, we are opening up new ways for you to manage, moderate, and express yourself through JZZO: assign pornstars names in videos, suggest new titles for each video, complete pornstars’ bios, tagging, social book marking, etc. Every Jzzo user will have the power to improve it and motivate us!

Jzzo wants to offer you top-quality HD videos without subscription fees, contrary to other free porn tube sites that offer you poor quality xxx videos. We want to offer you the best experience and your best contribution is to visit Jzzo and make social bookmarks.

This innovative user-participation-based model should provide enough resources for site development and HD video hosting. We just love what we do. Our free HD website tries to make you happy, your participation is valued.

In compliance with copyright regulations, we keep in close contact with production studios. This allows us to offer you new videos that would not be possible without this partnership. We realize that our users love the porn videos we host and sometimes want to enhance their experience with screenshots, models pictures, gifs of your favorite clips, etc. We’re dedicated to making this as easy as possible for users like you.

Jzzo focuses its development efforts on enhancing our users’ experience, so we keep your preferred videos, categories, pornstars and studios in a cookie on your computer. This way, when you come back to Jzzo, you will be able to quickly refer to all your favorites(My JZ).

Your support is vital to helping us build this amazing 18+ site and keep it free for people passionate about HD porn.